Flight Attendant Stories

About Us

Flight Attendant Stories™ is an aviation website (“website”) created for flight attendants, former flight attendants, those who love them, and aviation fans.  This website is a venue for flight attendants and others with fun or interesting stories and experiences involving flight attendants, current affairs, travel and world-wide news, from the flight attendant and traveler point of view.  What is a flight attendant’s life all about?  What really happens up there in the air and on the ground?  So THAT’s what they do on a layover!  What’s a layover?  Read on to find out more…

This website is owned and operated by Germaine Company N.A., Inc. (“Company”).  The President of the Company is a former flight attendant who worked for an international air carrier and flew all over the world.  To contact us, please email us at: info@flightattendantstories.mystagingwebsit, or use the contact form.  Thank you.